360 Player - Custom
The quickest method to get started is to use our hosted embed/iframes versions.
The following guidance is intended for custom integration purposes and will require developer experience to integrate and maintain.
This guidance demonstrates how to include the required JS Script and then initialise the script to show a 360 based on its style number.
Enable Integration
Our player and APIs are restricted to only work with whitelisted URLs. Please contact your ORB360 account manager to request your URL is enabled.
Login to the ORB360 manage interface.
Select the shoot you wish to use and ensure that the "findByTag" is enabled for public integration access. If its not enabled contact your ORB360 account manager to request it be enabled.
Create a HTML Page
For the purpose of the guidance we will create a new file called "index.html" with the following contents
Include Script Library from our CDN
Add the following script block to the index.html page in the <HEAD>
Create a target component
Next we add a component to hold our 360 player. Add the following block to the index.html page in the <BODY>
block. The orb360-embed script works by targeting this HTML component and will automatically fill the target component. For simplicity we will add a style inline on the html element, but in production we would recommend the use of separate style sheets (CSS).
Initialise the script
Next we initialise the script by adding the following script block to the page. Replacing the tenant id placeholder
Note: To improve page loading and rendering we recommend its added toward the end of the page.
Lets break down the script above:
line provides a lazy loading capability in that the player will only begin to load the frames once the rest of the page has rendered. This is in order to avoid the frames blocking the download of other assets on the page.
new Orb360Embed({ ...props })
Creates a new 360 player with the provided options.
Lets break down the options supplied:
Note: More options exist than defined here, please refer to the ORB360Embed.js Docs for a full listing
Set the component the player will be created within, in this case we get the div element by its id.
You should provide the tenant id which is available via the management interface here. This links the script to your account.
Set the API endpoint to use, in this case it uses thepublic/findByTag
endpoint. The 'public' part of the endpoint means that only shoots defined as published and public will be accessible and searchable. The public API also checks the origin header of any http requests and must match the whitelist. Please contact your account manager to get any domains added to the whitelist. The "findByTag" part defines the expected structure of the query which is to be performed.
Sets the query which will be submitted to the findByTag endpoint. In this case we wish to display all media with a StyleNumber matching 'I_AM_A_STYLE_NUMBER'. The key and value strings are case sensitive and must be an exact match. Where multiple media is found the player will provide 'next' and 'previous' controls to move between all matched media. Multiple values can be provide by adding them to the tags array. By default the condition between each tag will be an 'AND'. please refer to the ORB360Embed.js docs for details of how to submit an 'OR' query.
The Final Result
Advanced Use Cases (with orb360embed.js)
1. Using the player to display images hosted externally to the ORB360 platform.
Initialise the Orb360Embed player and provide a images
array. Providing an images
array disables API lookup features.
This approach is suitable for the use case where the API request can happened server side rather than in the clients browser.
The player will also directly accept the images
response attribute from the findById
and findByTag
2. Using different image sizes while providing images.
orb360embed.js - Constructor Options
tenant: string - REQUIRED (unless images is defined) - tenant id
endpoint: string - REQUIRED (unless images is defined) - api integration endpoint to be used, (supported options: '/api/integrations/public/findById?videosV2=true', '/api/integrations/public/findByTag?videosV2=true' )
images: array - REQUIRED (when tenant and endpoint not used) - images frames to display
query: object - Integration API request body
allowFullscreen: boolean - DEFAULT=true - allows fullscreen controls
hideControls: boolean - DEFAULT=true - hides controls when not in focus
hideAudioControls: boolean - DEFAULT=false - hides audio mute button and volume slider
initialImageSize: int, - DEFAULT=800, The initial image size/path from images to use
zoomedImageSize: int, - DEFAULT=1600, The zoomed image size/path from images to use
rotationDuration: int, - DEFAULT=5000, time to complete one spin in milliseconds
playMode: string - DEFAULT='once'
'none' - no auto rotate/play, start stopped
'once' - rotate once and stop
'continuous' - keep rotating continuous
defaultZoom: int|float, - DEFAULT=1, Starting Zoom Factor (multiplier)
maxZoom: int|float, - DEFAULT=4, Zoom Factor (multiplier)
minZoom: int|float, - DEFAULT=1, Zoom Factor (multiplier)
zoomStep: int|float - DEFAULT=0.1, Zoom Increment/Sensitivity (for Wheel and Pinch) (increment)
clickZoomStep: int|float - DEFAULT=1, Zoom Increment (for Left Click) (increment)
dragPixelsForRotation: int - DEFAULT=30, How many px the drag has to be moved before the frame is changed/rotated (Rotate sensitivity)
orientation: int - DEFAULT=0, Apply Degrees of Rotation to all displayed images (only supports options: 0, 90, 180, 270)
Last updated
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